Blog Transportation

Futurails – 200 Years of Trying to Replace the Railroad

The German Railway Museum in Nuremberg is currently showing the special exhibition “Futurails”. It shows how many alternatives to the railway system have been discussed over the course of 200 years. With an excellent selection of exhibits, it gives the visitor an idea of all the ideas that clever people have come up with, and tries to explain why the railroad still looks pretty much the same 200 years later.

Blog Transportation

The IAA Mobility 2023 – A Personal Review

The IAA Mobility 2023 is over. What was on display besides the ubiquitous electric cars? Here is my personal review of one of the world’s biggest mobility shows.

Blog Transportation

Vehicle to Everything? The State of the Union.

Two of the automotive buzzwords of recent years have been vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. They promise greater safety for drivers. They also promise greater convenience and better traffic flow. But this technology has been a long time in the making. Where do we stand with these promises, and will they become reality any time soon?

Blog Transportation

Hypersonic Submarines – An Alternative for Global Travel?

Today, submarines are mainly used for military and research purposes. But future developments could make it possible for submarines to travel at many times the speed of sound. Would that make them an attractive mode of transportation for passengers traveling around the world?

Blog Transportation

The Hypersonic Railway System

Travel around the globe at 7,200 km/h. From London to New York in less than an hour. And all by train, not by plane. This is the proposed concept of the “Hypersonic Train” that German engineer Andreas Scholz describes in his new book “The Hypersonic Railway”.

Blog Transportation

Tea, Earl Grey Hot… and a new iPhone! – The Impact of Replicators

“Tea: Earl Grey, hot!” This is one of Captain Jean Luc Picard’s most famous quotes from the Star Trek television series.
A few seconds later, a cup of steaming tea materializes in the “Replicator” and Captain Picard can enjoy it.
The replicator can produce not only tea, but all kinds of drinks, food and contraptions. What if we could really build such a Replicator and everyone had one at home, just like the crew of the Enterprise?