Blog Finance Transportation

Warren Buffet and James J. Hill – Two Titans of the Transportation Industry

Warren Buffet and James J. Hill – two tycoons of American industry who lived a hundred years apart. Yet they had something in common.
In this article, I explore the connection between one of the greatest capitalists of our time, Warren E. Buffet, and railroad magnate and “Empire Builder” James J. Hill.

Blog Finance

Taking Control of Your Finances in Numbers. Part 4: Looking into the Future

This is the fourth in my series of articles on personal finance with Numbers. In this chapter, we will learn how to use our spreadsheet to make predictions about our financial situation.

Blog Finance

Taking Control of Your Finances in Numbers. Part 3: Starting a Business

In part 3 of my series of articles, we will extend our example of double-entry bookkeeping and look at some more types of accounts that can appear on your balance sheet.

Blog Finance

Taking Control of Your Finances in Numbers. Part 2: Your Personal Balance Sheet

This is the second article in my series on using spreadsheets to manage your personal finances. In this part I will show you how to create your own balance sheet. At a glance, the balanche sheet will present all the information about your current financial situation.

Blog Finance

Taking Control of Your Finances. Part 1: Bookkeeping in Spreadsheets

This is the beginning of a new series of articles on personal finance. In this series of posts, I want to show you how you can get an overview of your personal finances, your assets, and where your money is going. And you can do all of this without paying for additional software or services, just by using the spreadsheet software you already have.
As part of this series, you will not only learn how to manage your own finances, you will also learn a lot about spreadsheets, double-entry bookkeeping, and even some programming if you want to.