Blog Transportation

A Million Ways to Power a Tram

Electric mobility is on everyone’s lips today. Trams have been offering it for more than 100 years. But did you know that the electric motor is not the only propulsion system for trams? There are many different ways to move trams forward. Some are futuristic, some are of historical interest, and some are even outrageous in retrospect. Click here to read more.

Allgemein Blog Transportation

If Autonomous Vehicles Are the Answer, What Was the Question?

This week’s issue of The Economist raised an interesting question in a book review: Why do we focus on technological innovation to solve problems we could already solve with technology we already have?

The question raised in the Economist was: Autonomous vehicles are supposed to make roads safer. But if our goal is to make roads safer, why not focus more on public transportation instead of new technology for cars?

Blog Transportation

Electric Motors – Learn the Basics at “Youtube University”

Want to learn how an electric motor works and what kind of motors are out there? In this article I will share with you my favorite Youtube videos that can teach you all the basics of electric motors in less than an hour.

Blog Transportation

Bridge City – Does Hamburg Really Have More Bridges Than Venice?

People from Hamburg claim that it has more bridges than Venice. Is this really true? Find out how we can quickly answer this question using Open Street Map and the Overpass API.

Blog Transportation

Hydrofoils – Past and Future of Fast Passenger Ships

Hydrofoils can reach speeds of up to 100km/h on the water. But they are mainly used in Russia. Why is it that this interesting mode of transportation had its greatest success in the days of the Soviet Union, and what does the future hold for high-speed hydrofoil vessels? Read more in this article.

Blog Transportation

Transport System Bögl – The Future of Maglev Trains?

Maglev trains are a transportation technology that seems to be on the verge of a breakthrough for many decades now. While the Transrapid has failed and the Hyperloop is still in its infancy, the company Max Bögl is working on a completely new version, the Transport System Bögl. We could visit their test tracks in the town of Sengenthal. In this article, we share what we learned about this fascinating new mode of transportation and the opportunities and risks for its widespread adoption.